6 Tips on Setting Monthly Goals

Goals are hard. I know this. You know this. We all know this.

There was a time in my life that I heavily resisted writing down my goals. Mostly because I was so afraid of NOT achieving things, so I wouldn’t even write them down. It may sounds strange, but I did not want to disappoint myself.

Finally, I realized that when you write down your goals, you are automatically hold yourself more accountable and  become motivated to knock em’ outta the park!

Here are some practices that I follow to achieve MOST of my monthly goals.

  1. Be realistic

Do not start off biting off more than you can chew. If you are trying to get off the couch and lose weight, don’t make a monthly goal to lose 10lbs in one month! Instead, think about making a realistic goal like 2-4 lbs. If you are trying to launch a blog, truly evaluate your free time before you give yourself a launch date. I thought 30 days would be enough, but it took closer to 90 days to get everything up and running to my liking! I did not take into account all of the technical aspects to launching a blog.

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